Monday, November 28, 2016

Business Intelligence Solutions - Helping Making Decisions

Among businessman, business intelligence (often referred to as BI) is the main term that refers to various applications used by organizations and companies to analyze raw data. The main use is in helping them make crucial company decisions. Once the system is used, the results become business intelligence solutions Brisbane

BI as a tool becomes a potent help in making decisions that improves the company’s present status by way of cutting costs, improving company systems, and zeroing in on new business opportunities among others. It is also responsible in re-engineering inefficient or lethargic systems within the company.

The processes involve data mining from data warehouses, analytical processing, querying and reporting the results. The system is more than ordinary reportage or a set of tools to bring out data needed by corporate officers and managers. It becomes the main basis for the company’s next moves.

BI in action

One of the more vital elements of business intelligence is its business analytics. To date, it had been successfully implemented by a diverse range of companies, and even including winning (and famous) sports organizations in the world. 

As points of reference, some popular fast-food restaurants are also consistent subscribers to BI tools. Aside from getting the tactical information needed, these companies tasked business intelligence to actually making strategic decisions for them – including what new dishes to add to (or remove from) the menu and which stores that do not perform well have to close.

They also use the software in helping them do tactical matters like renegotiations of contracts with suppliers and in the overall identification of inefficient processes that will need to go. For reasons that these restaurants are mostly operations-driven and business intelligence solutions had assisted them in every possible way, they had become forerunners in their industry.

Random guidelines

At the outset of utilizing business intelligence, companies must analyze first their own methods of making decisions. The consideration is that the information (either in hard copies, reports, charts or outlines) have to be facilitated with enough confidence and speedy action.

With a good system, decision-makers can readily take action and analyzing for themselves the supplied data, even without waiting for IT people to run the complex reports. Likewise, the democratization of information can help with decisions that are not just gut feelings of some executives.


There are various business intelligence systems, each one addressing several requirements that your company needs. Implementing them would become your solutions. The use, especially the implementation, needs to have trained users.

Speedy action (deployment) is necessary in the fast-changing business atmosphere. Adjustments can always be done as things go. Spending an inordinate amount of time will not improve reports. Present company needs usually evolve together with the business.

The focus is always on the business objectives. Using business intelligence solutions needs to have an integrated approach, especially in data building for your data warehouse in the beginning. The approach is to avoid locking yourself and the company into an unworkable data strategy later on when using BI.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Business Phone Systems - Making the Connection

Modern communication systems are the life blood of a business enterprise. The success of your company’s business hinges on the most competent phone system in your area. Today’s business phone systems are all at par with the most advanced and the best in the world.

Most large urban centers like Brisbane, for instance, have companies that need to interconnect with the rest of the world. Making such connections would need the very best (and advanced) phone systems technology. The magic mix is technology, the equipment and devices, and the support of the phone companies to their business company clients. 

Evaluation and fit

To ensure that your company would get the best, there is need of a thorough evaluation of your business requirements. These phone companies are properly equipped in the assessment of your communication needs, from the largest companies (in whatever business line it has) to the lowliest individual user.

The evaluation process is also to ensure the system that will be installed is tailor-fitted to your company’s needs. Most of them, if not all, have the most complete range of products (devices, equipments, software, etc.) that will complement and service your phone system.

With the continuing advance technology and your ever-increasing needs, the evaluation usually includes your company’s future outlook and expansion plans. Phone companies anticipate the additional needs of business phone systems Brisbane should there be future company growth with additional requirements.

Factors to consider

Even before the evaluation, you would already have your ideas on your business and the phone system that you need. You would need to already have the answers to such questions as how should your phone system be used? Would it be used for plain communications or shall the extensive uses related to sales?

Would your phone system need some special configurations like teleconferencing and such? Is this going to be a call center? Would the system be used extensively for customer service? Would you know the approximate percentages of both domestic and international calls you might use your system for? How about the projected total number of calls, both incoming and outgoing?     

Have you considered going into a VoIP system? Does the company have the budget for this system and its companion equipments? Is your staff mobile and makes a lot on international calls to warrant the use of such a system? You might take a look at the big savings VoIP phone system provides against initial investments.


Most of the phone companies servicing big urban centers make sure that their client companies shall have the best of world-class service. They make sure their range of products also complement the company system, from headsets to conference phones, even including music for on hold calls.

This translates to accumulated savings on your company. The biggest advantages provided by phone companies for their clients are the after service and maintenance. Most of the providers of business phone systems Brisbane have the world-renowned capabilities of giving your company a system that is currently one of the best globally.

VOIP Service Providers Residential ~ SIP VOIP Technology

VOIP Service Providers Residential ~ SIP VOIP Technology

Sunday, November 13, 2016

VoIP Providers - In Step with the World

In most major cities in the world, competition in business is fierce. It is the same with phone companies servicing these big metropolitan centers. With the advent of online commerce, providers of VoIP phone system are doing brisk business than ever. Check out any big city and chances are the VoIP providers are in great competition which is good for customers.

Doing calls using VoIP phones (over in high-speed internet connection (DSL or cable) rather than on a regular phone do look fashionable and chic. For 80% savings in rates, It is also one of the soundest business decisions you can make. This is over and above the many other 21st century features that a VoIP service carries.  


Today, you can always get yourself a mobile phone. However, they are not as good as you think they are as anyone who had dropped calls knows. Landlines are easy to get, too, from your local phone or cable operator. The rates are cheap but they are not portable.

A VoIP (voice over internet phone) is much better. The biggest advantage, of course, is the price where there is 80% savings compared to the rates you pay on either cell phones or landlines. The landlines are better in terms of reliability than mobiles. However, VoIP phones have features that regular landlines don’t have.

Setup & some features

As a system, VoIP is relatively very simple to set up. You are provided by the company with a special phone adapter in a box. Simply plug it into a power source, your internet router, and your standard phone handset. An alternative is buying a SIP phone. This has the electronics that sidesteps the need for an adapter for your VoIP.

Aside from the luxury of impressive savings, some providers offer features that most landlines don’t have. (Cells have many features aside from the comfort of being transportable. However, it is the most expensive among the three.) Some providers can give you an on-screen application that lets you make or receive calls on your computer.

Some have mobile apps for iOS and Android which acts as extensions to your main phone line. They can provide the standard Web access for your voicemail and call history. This is aside from receiving faxes to your email address. Most providers have their own high-end business-grade VoIP for bigger companies.

Most of the providers have the phone hunt feature. This is the service where you have multiple phones or apps ringing until you pick up or have the call transferred to voice mail. There is also the call blocking feature, three-way-calling, and call waiting. (Skype has the video feature and some rich text messaging.)

Quick Tips

Before buying into any service, it is always good policy to ask the providers first. This is the time where you compare the prices, the types of services offered (and if they are useful to you).

Always get your quotes on paper (in their flyers and brochures) and have their sales reps discuss or spell out for you the many services and advantages they have, if any, over those of other companies. VoIP providers would be happy to oblige.

Monday, November 7, 2016

RFID Patient Tracking - Great Health Innovation

Aside from the many commercial and industrial uses of RFID, one of the most important breakthroughs in technology is RFID patient tracking. This is one health innovation where patients and doctors both benefit from. Doctors need to find where their patients are and patients need to be found.

Patient tracking with the use of RFID is mostly used on patients who are undergoing medical care but are not in their designated locations. These devices are also used on newborn babies in hospitals. The main purpose is correct identification on babies wearing unique RFID wristbands.

Identity wristbands

This particular hospital RFID wristband can be had in three different kinds of frequencies which include 125 KHz, 13.56 MHz and the UHF frequency. These are compatible with several ISO standards and are harmless to the patient’s health.

Besides, this identity wristband is used only once and its size is adjustable to accommodate wrists as small as those of newborns and as large as those in adults. The soft material of the band is suitable for newly born babies.


The RFID hospital tags are used to preclude the hundreds of patients receiving wrong medical care on the simple fact that these patients are wrongly identified. Aside from this risk, there is an additional cost of wasted products (medicine) and raised insurance premiums.

Hospital ID wristbands have their own individual ID for tracking patients. With the wristbands in place, there is a great reduction of identification errors on patients.

Other uses

There are other uses for these tracking devices and also on other patients. The RFID on patients has their current information status stored. These would include whether they are ready to be seen by a doctor, or needed an X-ray or is scheduled for other medical procedures.

The stored information would include the patient’s condition and the length of their waiting time. Other information might include their room status (availability, assignment, needs cleaning, etc.) and where patients (and doctors or caregivers) should go next.


Some systems have integrated several important data into the tracking device (EMR, schedules, lab tests, etc.) for easy reference. The information is relayed to the relevant medical personnel automatically and speedily.

The process actually reduces the time spent on searching for people and other necessary things with the use of RFID patient tracking. The data entries are all done automatically through healthcare systems integration.

The supplied information gives historical analytics for follow-through process improvement. The automation gives the correct timing for medical authorities to make real-time workflow and adjustments for the staff.

Some details 

Real-time location systems (RTLS) for healthcare environments are now integrating their technology with enterprise health record (HER) of hospitals to improve the safety of patients, especially in emergency departments.

When a patient is presented in the emergency department (ED), he/she is registered and is given an RFID. The RTLS also records the patient’s interaction with doctors and staff who wear their own ID tags. As the patient moves through the ED, the RFID patient tracking sends out real-time updates to the system.