Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Nurse Call - Modern, Efficient, and Vital

One of the biggest boons to patient services by hospitals, medical facilities and clinics all over the world is the development and the continuous upgrades of one of their most important services: nurse call.

Aside from the upgrades in the medical equipments and the quality of services from the hospital doctors and their other personnel, the alert system used in calling the attention of nurses by their patients is vital. This service (and its related work) could mean the patient’s survival. 

The alert system

At present, these alert systems are now much easier to use and user-friendly even to non-technical people. The upgraded technology allows patients in hospitals, medical facilities, and nursing home residents to call for emergency assistance with a simple push of a button or the pull of a string.

Through convenient bedside stations, the easy to use systems have an annunciator panel instantly alerts the nurses and the hospital staff with an LED indicator and a tone. With the variety of emergencies, duty and staff stations, additional call buttons, pull cords and call indicator lights for different locations in the facility are provided for.

These days, even with a variety of suppliers and models and some different features, this modern alert system for nurses is in place these days in most hospitals now. The range of uses is wide -- whether it is for medical facilities, outpatient clinics, nursing homes or some other assisted-living facilities.


An efficient nurse call system is insurance that each of the patients in any of these facilities using the system receives a timely and prompt response to their calls. This is one crucial factor that these alerts are acted upon in time because they might mean life or death to the unattended patient.

The key is to have these healthcare providers (hospitals, big clinics and other medical facilities) replace their outdated systems that may have needed several steps to do before help or assistance is provided. Some have limited reporting capabilities; some may be too dependent on computers, etc.
The ideal system is one that is adaptable to multiple users and multiple needs.

System view

In some systems, the patient flow and the workflow solutions of the staff allow the healthcare staff to check on the way things are working from the patient’s point of view. (The workflow solutions are integrated into the call system for the nurses.)

This workflow and the patient flow integrate data from other places and are integrated into other platforms to afford a three-dimensional perspective of each patient’s experience. These data also allows hospital administrators to map out the nurses’ trajectory in their work rounds.

With the data at hand, administrators can effect changes that will eliminate inefficiencies. With it, they can improve the amount and quality of time the healthcare staff spend with the patients.

All in all, with the new innovations and upgrades, plus a more positive mindset, the system used in nurse call Australia these days actually empowers nurses and hospital administrators. This is mostly improving the overall efficiency and reduction of costly mistakes.

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