Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Telephony - A Long Way Since the Drums

Telephony is the older term for the technological field of communications that involves voice, fax or data between distance parties. These days, the term is interchangeable with telephone systems, the present one used all over the world in communicating with one another.

For more technical information, this could also be referred to as the operation of telephones and their systems with telephonic equipments being used. Today, this is also used as the computer hardware, software and network systems and performs functions done by other telephone equipments (VoIP).

Computer integration

When computer telephone integration (CTI) happened in the 80s, the progress of telephony Queensland services (and telecommunications) grew by leaps and bounds. With the control by the computers, sending and receiving voice, fax, and data became possible with directory services and caller ID as well.

CTI had been in use by large phone networks, and is used in dedicated call centers even with massive costs of equipments. With digitization, costs have been reduced as the system became technologically better. With ISDN, all data transport is done over telephone lines. (This is slowly superseded now by other services like the IP protocol.)

Business phones

Urban centers like Queensland still has the modern business phone systems in existence today, working fine and moving up on the strength of its own innovations and developments. The phones are cabled and wired the traditional way, but are open to system upgrades whichever level the clients want it.

Business phones are still the prime mover of businesses (and residential) communications at the moment. The new innovations include automated attendant systems, voice mails, voice and data exchanges and more.

The major phone systems companies provide some of the best state-of-the-art services to their company (and residential) clients in whatever area in communications, including call centers, and even providing Internet system like VoIP.

Internet telephony

Today’s developments in the Internet had seen the growth of video as a very potent means of communications. First began as a for-showing-purposes only (mainly on YouTube), video became part of the telephone system when the technology developed and a person-to-person communication in real time was made possible.

Today, video real-time communications are expanded into video conferencing. Participants are more than two people talking with one another in the group, each one coming from or are located in different places in the world.

Internet phone infrastructure

There is now the so-called Internet telephone system using the infrastructure of the Internet rather than the traditional infrastructure of telephone companies in the exchange of spoken words or other information or data, including video.

With the access of the Internet now at local phone rates, international calls or other long-distance calls became less expensive than calls using traditional phone arrangements.

Some innovative advances and call refinements include the capability of making normal voice phone calls even if the person is around or not, through the Internet and using local prices for Internet services.

There would also be the capability of fax transmissions (also at low cost) through a gateway point on the Internet. There is also the ability of sending voice messages alongside text emails. Telephony Queensland has come a long way since we used drums in sending and receiving messages.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Business Phone Systems - The Perfect Fit

For businessmen, the choice of any of the business phone systems Queensland for their new ventures can spell its success or be a contributor to its down slide. Actually, in big urban regions like Queensland, the presence of the world’s biggest phone systems providers is a big help.

These phone providers have all the necessary credentials in assessing your needs. In so doing, they can provide you with a fitting system to use whether you’re a small start-up or you want to open up with a big bang by coming up with a big company.

As phone systems providers would emphasize, the right phone structure can integrate all your communication connections with your clients, your employees and your vendors as well. The synergy of all three is important because each group is a vital part to the success of your enterprise. Any one missing can bring your whole arrangement down.

There are many contributing factors in the success of your company. Telecommunications is a big item that must be decided on very thoroughly and early enough (ideally, before start of company operations).

The quality of the system you are going to choose will have an impact in the operations of your company. This would include the actual size of your business at the time you will begin.

The size and the quantity of your needs are crucial. Too much and too many items would be redundant for a small startup and it would be costly. The investment would be non-performing (no return on investment).

The opposite is equally not ideal. Too few and too small would not serve your company’s needs properly. You might also start on a wrong foot by undelivered goods (lack of communications coordination), delayed supplies (wrong specifics transacted on a defective phone system) and many other incidentals that will negatively factor in during the overall performance of your company.

Ideal system

In a perfect world, your ideal phone system service provider shall be able to give you the phone components, their installation expertise and their experience within reasonable budget ceilings. All these will be in line with their business of providing you with the best solution perfectly suited to your business.

Again, in a perfect world, their phone system should be fully functional, easy to use, cost effective and fully supported by their maintenance services. In addition, their system should be modular to make it easy to grow alongside the growth of your own business that uses it.

There is need that the system they will provide should be “future-proofed”, which means their technology should be flexible enough to enable future expansion in systems, equipments and peripherals.

Given items

The system you will be provided with should be able to give you the following needed services to be able to function as a relevant and effective company. The services should include future upgrades, voice and data cabling, voice mails, wireless systems, call accounting, hosted automation, line and system audits, ACD call center, and other functions.

With the right Queensland provider of business phone systems Queensland to fit you and your business, the prospects seem bright.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Nurse Call - Immediate Action on Patients

Nurse call is one of the most important and vital communications system used in healthcare facilities (medical centers, hospitals, large clinics) in big urban center like Victoria. The system is responsible for improved emergency response time from nurses. In effect, this also reflects on the facility’s overall efficiency.

The call systems provide patients the speedy response time when needing critical attention from the medical staff (care-giving nurses). Consequently, this ensures the well-being of the patients and minimizes the load of work of the staff.


True to all systems, the most basic benefits a patient can derive from them is the immediacy of the communications between nurses and their patients. The nurse call Victoria system allows patients confined in their beds to alert their medical caregiver their present needs at the moment.

On the part of the nurses, the call alerts will inform them that the patient they are in charge with have an immediate need to be attended to. This takes many forms. Assistance in getting up in bed, assistance in the patient’s other physical needs or on some symptoms and conditions (pain, heat, cold, etc.).

Aside from call assistance (pendant type systems), many other types also has other functions included. One important function is locating patients. This is helpful because today’s medical facilities have bigger and wider areas to roam about.

Another function included is whether a patient suffers a fall. If indicated, this needs immediate attention because any delay could be risky for the victim. Another vital function is the prevention of elopement risk by the patient. (This happens when patients are suffering from some type of memory loss or dementia and is unable to identify his/her location and may wander out.)

More details

Most systems now have noiseless operations using microprocessors. Today’s systems are dependable. After a nurse has attended the patient call, she can reset the call (from the patient’s end). This allows the service to have records to avoid future disputes. This is part of the software where real-time logs on the services to the patient are logged.

The systems are now equipped with a function where the nurses are allowed to acknowledge the patient’s call within hospital corridors and hallways. This allows interactive connection between patients and nurses for faster and immediate rendition of the necessary services.

Some current systems

There are several types in the nurse call Victoria systems used by hospitals. One company provider has an extensive group of system to meet the needs of hospitals, nursing home facilities, clinics and others.  One has the most basic nurse and emergency call notices. This is the for the most minimum installation costs.

Another type has a full duplex digital audio communications, an Ethernet network system supporting centralizing call answering, code displays, and transfer of calls between units. It supports integrations like wireless phones, pagers, real-time locating, patient information display, and activity logging and reporting.  

All the other nurse call Victoria system types are variations of what functions the hospital or medical facility deems is needed by its staff nurses.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Business Intelligence Solutions - Strategy Decisions

Business intelligence (or BI) is one application that helps bring solutions to problems of companies and organizations not just in Melbourne but around the globe. These applications give insights into company operations through a set of analysis tools. Business intelligence solutions Melbourne are the offshoot of a company’s systems strategy. 

Through BI, data is produced after data mining, analytics, and queries. These data then drives decisions from the top people in the companies involved. Executives and managers want to execute their informed decisions right away.

Executing decisions

However, managers and executives must make sure they understand the basics as well as the details of the business intelligence system they are using. The emphasis is that making the most of their company’s data assets is the primary purpose of their BI.

With a well-constructed business intelligence system, companies can create a competitive advantage over that of their competitor’s. The advantages are numerous. They can increase revenues, reduce costs, and reduce risks through better data-driven decisions. 


With today’s fast-paced movements in business and in commerce, organizations and companies want their timely and well-informed decisions now. The timeliness is of primary concern no matter the mix of platforms, infrastructure environments, applications and other programs.

These days, managers and company executives (some companies include everyone in their organization) want to find out the exact status of their company’s financial and productive health. They want to make their decisions now in real time as their companies are in action. IT departments are tasked to bring in the accurate data as fast as possible.

Critical concerns

Applications (and solutions) to a BI system is critically essential to an organization. There are many and each one have to be individually decided on all platforms. When, for instance, customer profitability depended on only 20% of the customers, there might be need to let go of the 80% non-revenue producing ones. 

An automotive company finds it difficult to pinpoint sales on parts because of many channels with multiple data sources. The BI system it employed discovered which parts were selling, who are selling and where. The company then created marketing (and tracking) programs including competitive pricing programs to raise profitability.

A healthcare provider managing 20 hospitals had a crucial necessity of producing a report of each hospital all the way down to patient levels. They need this to have a comparative analysis on the clinical performances of the hospitals. Utilizing a BI system, the solution was quickly discovered even while maintaining patient privacy and the strict HIPAA standards.


Business intelligence components can be quite complex in its contents (and the number is increasing) plus the fact that each one must be applicable to the company. However, the necessity of including them plays a big part in producing the solutions.

Some prominent features include multi-dimensional aggregation and allocation, tagging and standardization, real-time reporting with analytical alerts, statistical inferences and simulation of probabilities, performance indicators, and methods of interfacing with different, and sometimes, unstructured data sources, among others.

To the uninitiated, the list of components is formidable. However, to be able to come up with business intelligence solutions Melbourne using the findings from this list are one winning feat.