Saturday, February 11, 2017

Nurse Call - Benefits Nurses and the Medical Facility

 A nurse call is a system that had been set in hospitals and mandated by law wherein hospital patients are allowed to alert a nurse (or some other assigned health care personnel) of their need for assistance. The earliest devices in those early days were nurse buttons all the way to wireless alert systems at present.

Through the years, there had been various improvements and innovations integrated into the system, but always with the main aim of direct communication between patients and their nurses regarding the patients’ needs. Wired buttons gave way to wireless technologies all the way to today’s computer-assisted systems, and more.

Systems developments

In earlier days, there used to be a nurse button where patients can press and call the attention of the nurses who usually are at their nurse’s station. The assigned nurse comes over to the patient to inquire what the patient needs. These days, nurses can talk directly to the patient (through various means) on what he needs. 

With the advent of new technologies and the recent advances in communications, the call for assistance from nurses had developed alongside with them.  The first pioneering technology was the simple nurse button pressed by the patient for a nurse to come over.

Later advances in technology made it possible for patients to talk directly (if his present condition makes it possible) to the nursing staff. This eliminates the process where the nurses have to go over to the patient to inquire on his needs and to carry out the request in another trip.  


The benefits in a nurse call Queensland had been found to point two ways: it directly benefits the patient in real time and it also benefits the medical facility or hospital in an indirect manner which can be evident only later.

First, the patient gets the practical benefit when nurses come to their aid to assist them in getting up from their bed, turning up or down the room temperature, and various other physical assists.  Hospitals, on the other hand, benefit by way of improving their services to their patients.

Goodwill and efficient management

First, the goodwill generated with their efficient health services (including those given by the nurses) is immensely valuable to their reputation and standing in the hospital and health businesses. Word of mouth is one of the best advertising medium there can be in any industry.

Secondly, the efficiency quotient derived by the alert system for their nurses accrues over time. This becomes substantial enough in terms of its transforming into operational savings for the facility. (Smooth management of manpower in a hospital complex avoids duplication of duties and redundant actions, which reduces expenses, and eventually translates into savings.)

Within the nursing staff, the workflow is enhanced not just for patient satisfaction but also for the organization itself. Nurse badging tracks nurses and there are options in automating rounding of nurses and staff assists in emergencies. Increased mobility also reduces systems costs.

The modern touches on the traditional system of nurse call Queensland create a win-win situation both for patients and the medical facility.

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