Saturday, December 23, 2017

Telephony – Today’s Overall Phone System

In the earlier days of the technology, the overall term to describe the whole telephone system in action is telephony Victoria. The common name denotes the modern system of sending and receiving voice over the wires and cables to many parts of the world and makes them connected with each other.

When radio was developed and used, the use of the wires and cables were reduced with the use of communications by radio waves.


The big and significant development then was that all the communications facilities and technologies (including those that are still using wires and cables) were all integrated and interconnected into a virtual unified system.

When the computer and digitization took over most of the existing technologies, the system’s use had expanded the materials transmitted and received other than the voice (fax, video, graphics).

Phone system

In the early days, after Bell’s patent was enforced, people from distant places were able to communicate with one another using the medium of voice. The system had overrun the slow postal system of letter-sending. It also superseded the expensive telegrams.

After the start of being able to call only in limited quantities, the telephone exchange made the life better after it was expanded and more people were able to talk to one another. Today, anyone from any corner of the planet can call and talk to anyone.

Today’s systems  

Today’s systems are now using digital technology in providing the same services. The old analog phone systems are still in use in some other places in the world. Technology however has provided the means to convert these analog signals into digital.

The technological advance had generally reduced communications costs, aside from improving the quality of the services, especially the voice. ISDN allows data sending fast over telephone wires. This was only superseded when the digital services became operational following the later IP protocol.

Computer integration

Inn the 80s, computer integration gave much sophistication to the telephony Victoria services. The computer initiated and controlled such actions as sending and receiving voice, fax and data calls, including caller identification, and the phone directory services.

Today’s primary phone service providers are now offering information services like automatic number identification which is the main difference between the CTI (computer technology integration) services and plain call switching.

The DNIS (dialed number identification service) also brought real value in the use of phones, whether for business or as home phones. It does not only standardize phones, it also lowers costs in the linking of the calls.

Modern touch

The current system in use today in telephony Victoria has already transformed itself into a multi-functional and highly-integrated environments suited for offices. Some of today’ entry level PBX systems have functions that were found only in their enterprise systems some few years ago.

Today, unified communications features (like voice to email, cellular extensions, and IP desktop integration and VoIP capabilities) have already become the new service and functional standards.

The use of the Internet today in lieu of traditional phones company systems is beginning to populated and join the other established systems.

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